Basics about .htaccess in WordPress

The .htaccess file (hypertext access) lets you manage the configuration of your web server. Even a small change in this file can break and take down an entire website. Therefore it is always recommended to take a backup before touching the .htaccess file. The best way is to just use an FTP client like Filezilla and download the file to your local computer before even opening it.

Show a single button on a fixed position on every page and post

There are cases in which it is quite useful to show a button (or any other element) on one fixed position on the screen. No matter if you want to do this temporarily to permanently, you for sure do not want to touch every single page and post on your website. The solution is quite simple by adding the button to the global footer or header and simply reposition it...

Get rid of spam emails in Contact Form 7 by integrating Google reCAPTCHA v3

Contact Form 7 is the most popular contact form for WordPress. Unfortunately, the contact form is not only used by people to get in contact. I would even say it is most often used by bots to simply spam. There are several ways to avoid spam emails in WordPress. In the following article, we will have a look at how Contact Form 7 uses Google reCAPTCHA to reduce the number...

How to set up a child theme in Divi 4.x?

A child theme in WordPress is pretty much always useful if you plan to make changes to the code of a theme. Without a child theme changes to your theme files will be overwritten at the next theme update. If you break something by extending your theme troubleshooting will be easier with a child theme as well as the code is separated from the original parent theme. This article explains...

Have you ever heard of “The Mom Test”?

There are two ways to sell your product or service. Either there is a market available and you study that market, or you create a market. Usually, this comes with extensive market research. "The Mom Test" points out two essential things. First, avoid working on a project that did not run through any validation by the market. Second, do your market research but do not get lost in it.

How to set up a remote-friendly culture in your organization?

Remote work is on the rise. All the numbers go up and show the continuous rise of employed people who work remotely. Statistics throw out quite different numbers but the message is clear. Remote work came to stay. There are just too many advantages in the remote workforce and everything it brings with it, it simply cannot be ignored. While employers get access to more talents and save tons of...