Taking time off my comfort zone, living abroad, sharpening my toolset, learning and exploring, connect with people and learn from people. Finding a way to follow my dreams, which include the freedom of a location independent life, loving to work and deliver ideas and solutions.
My name is Markus and I am from the beautiful country of Austria, however, I would like to call the world my home. I spent already some time abroad and am absolutely open to further expand my horizon. I do know where my roots are but I believe that technological and social developments make it easier nowadays to keep in touch with your loved ones, no matter where you are. The same goes for small businesses and the corporate world. Developments in IT systems and society should be used as an advantage to be one step ahead. I work under the philosophy that technology should work for people, and people should enjoy using technology – no matter if it is part of private life or business. This does not mean that everything has to be handled online. Not everything has to follow the principle faster, stronger, better either. As so often in life it is about finding the right balance. Beyond my passion for web design, SEO, process improvements, and the optimization of pretty much everything else, I love to travel and live in different places around the world.
Self EmployedRemoteRAABAUKE - Web Design & SEO
Search Engine Optimization, Branding, Web Design by RAABAUKE
2Y 3M
FreelancingRemoteWeb Design & SEO Freelancer - On my path to self-employment
At some point, I simply wanted to try something else. Everything started with a long-awaited backpacking trip through Southeast Asia. It was more than just traveling. It changed me and my journey in life completely. I acquired a lot of new skills and learned about myself that I want to CREATE. I get inspired by the world and by people from different cultures and apply those learnings in creative web design & SEO solutions.
1y 8m
CELUM GmbHLINZInformation Manager
Improving business processes and making people love to work together by applying the right toolset and teaching organizational values makes me happy. Efficient communication & collaboration on-site and remotely is the key to success for a business, and the key to satisfied employees. As Information Manager I focused a lot on Atlassian Confluence and Jira + Service Desk to improve the internal communication, collaboration, and documentation. Changing habits leads to increased transparency, persistency, and efficiency. The application of a new ticketing system and a knowledge base eased the support workflow for customers and support agents alike.
University of Applied Sciences Upper AustriaHagenbergResearch Associate
Working in research & design enables to take part in the entire development cycle of a product or service, in which theoretical approaches are transferred to the actual field of application. The FFG-funded (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) project “CrAc – Cooperative Activities” is all about voluntary organizations and the semantic matching of people to the most appropriate tasks. I was honored to present our research paper at the well-known HICSS Information Systems conference in Hawaii, and based my master thesis and the development of an actual prototype on the findings of the research group.
4y 2m
voestalpine group-ITLinzService Desk Agent + Application Manager BMC Remedy
A multi national enterprise business has to face entirely different challenges than a small organization, however, in the end it is always the people who give their best and perform as a team. As an IT service desk agent the main responsibility is the resolving of employees’ IT issues around the world. The maintenance of a knowledge base is an absolutely crucial part of this profession as it enables to provide consistently high-quality solutions. Running additional projects related to incident & problem management makes it especially challenging & exciting. Lessons learned: without teamwork par excellence it is impossible to handle all the requests in such an efficient manner.
3y 11m
HapraLinzIT Technician
The responsibilities as an IT technician in a small IT solution company are rather diverse. On the one hand this employment requires the assembling and the troubleshooting of computer software/hardware, on the other hand it shares customer support, handling of claims, sales of products, merchandise management, and the maintenance of the company’s content management system.
University in Hagen (GER)
Selected further education in Business Informatics
University of Applied Sciences (Hagenberg, AUT)
Master of Communication, Knowledge, Media
Johannes Kepler University (Linz, AUT)
Bachelor Information Systems / Business Informatics
St. Edward's University (Austin/TX, USA)
Study abroad / exchange year in Computer Science
piSignage for Raspberry Pi
Atlassian Confluence
Thesis: A prototypical approach for a competency-based task allocation system in the context of voluntary organizations
LaTeX Document Preparation
Discourse Community Forum Software
Photography & stock photography
italki English/German conversational
IEEE Publication: A Survey on Voluntary Management Systems
CrAc – Cooperative Activities
Thesis: Social impact by mobile computing
Customer Support
I had the honor to have Markus as my team member in my Information Technology team. He impressed me from the very first interview, especially with his precision and sharpness of mind. During the collaboration with him, I not only got a very reliable colleague, furthermore I won a very close friend. Even though we both left the former company we are still in close touch and I enjoy every meeting and conversation we have.